Sheryl’s Newsletter
March: 2009 |
Blessings Everyone,
Hello for another month my friends, is it me? or does
the time seem to be flying by?, March already, Busy
is the word I think I would use for the state of things,
so many things going on seems like we just got through
Xmas, New Year and wham 3 months have passed and are we
glad that those election ads are finally over?
agghhh!!...Yes sir…
Time out is needed, reflection, serenity, stillness all
states of mind that can be achieved when you feel you
may be under pressure. I recommend that if at least 3
times per week, spend 10 minutes to half an hour on your
own finding that inner peace. Your family and friends
will respect your time if you let them know that it’s
your time that you need to find balance and strength to
carry on with day to day things. Find somewhere that is
totally quiet for you, meditate, read a book or just sit
in your garden or on the beach whatever is best for you,
breathe in and out deeply and relax yourself, you will
find in the quiet and stillness, peace and tranquility
that not only aids your peace of mind but your body will
also benefit. I find that I receive answers from above
when I am totally at ease and stilling my mind. It’s a
wonderful place to go
You will love it.
New Age : I was asked recently by a new seeker of
spirituality to explain what is new age and what does it
mean? This could be interpreted in many ways by many
people but I thought I would search in my trusted Angel
Bible which gives a simple explanation: “
The New Age Movement is a free-flowing spiritual
transformation that differs from all other religions, It
has no prophets, no holy texts or sacred books, no
membership, no religious centres, no creed, no priests,
nuns, clergymen and, importantly no hidden agenda.
The New Age movement does, however, use mutually
accepted terms, such as chakra, aura and chi and many
new agers believe in reincarnation and the continuation
of the soul after death. All new agers define themselves
as seekers of personal truth, knowledge and wisdom as
they seek to live a balanced lifestyle, usually by
acknowledging and developing the spiritual aspect of
their psyche”
Clear Quartz :
Harmony, Meditation, protection, infinite possibilities.
Quartz Crystal can be programmed with whatever qualities
you desire, for just like you, this crystal is full of
infinite possibilities.
crystal asks you to reflect on all that you would love
to have and achieve in your life. Make a list then
mentally infuse this quartz crystal with all the
qualities and things you wish to manifest.
this crystal with you- keep it close to your heart and
mentally envisage your life as you would love it to be.
Set realistic goals for yourself and repeat this ritual
daily until your goals are reached, then set new goals.
– all is possible if you believe it, just make sure it
is truly what your heart desires. Life is a journey
not a destination!.
Quartz is known as the master healing crystal
and can be used to amplify healing energy.)

I will be holding my next workshop in
April, Sunday the 26th. Cost: $60
(Includes lunch)
Coolum Beach (address advised on enquiry)
10am to 2pm
small-group Workshop will feature teachings from
Florence Scovel-Shinn. Teachings include * Facing
our fears * Letting
Go * Angel
Intervention in our Lives * Chakra
Clearing, and * Meditation
with Healing. Workshop includes discussion time and
non-resistance exercises. You will need pen and paper,
and an open mind.
ArialIf you
would like to attend please let me know by either email
or phone: or 0413 623 758 (please
leave a message if I am unavailable to answer)
I am requesting a deposit of $20 for all attending so as I
can calculate numbers etc. Please deposit this into my
Suncorp account, my banking details are on my website thankyou.

Spiritual Tour Package (Update)
My good
friend Demi and myself are planning a Spiritual Tour to
Ayers Rock ,
exiting, come and join us!! possible time end Aug/early
Sept. More information to come, I will keep you all
updated in following newsletters,
so watch this space!!!
note: The Spiritual Tour has been put on hold until next
year 2010 due to unforseen circumstances. Thanks Sheryl
& Demi.
Thought for the Day: Never miss
the opportunity to tell people how much they mean to
Affirmation for the Day: Chinese
Proverb “The philosopher leaves the cuff of his coat to
the tailor” (so leave the plan of your life to the
Divine Planner and you will find all conditions
permanently perfect)
Angel Card Featured: Angel Shanti
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. - Messages From Your
"I am the Angel of Peace. I bring
you new tranquility, and a smoother road ahead."
Additional Message: "You have been through
turmoil, and your soul is tired. Your mind
craves peace and quiet, and I am here to help
you with that desire. I will give you new
opportunities to spend time alone, where you can
relax your mind and heart. I will bring
tranquility to your soul so that you can mirror
the peace of mind that is your true Divine
nature." |
"Like the
angels, you are able to hover within the eye of
any hurricanes that may swirl around you right
now. Through breath and intention, you can stay
centered no matter what's happening in your
life. This inner foundation of peace has a
powerful healing effect. Your outer life soon
reflects your inner peacefulness. Smooth roads
are ahead for you, and the worst is behind you
now. A peaceful outcome to this situation is
assured." |
Books: A couple of books I would like to recommend :
1. The Reconnection by Dr Eric Pearle.
Many Lives, Many Masters by
Brian L Weiss md.
anyone would like to recommend a book to be mentioned in
the newsletter please let me know.
I am now working 3 days per week from my home at
Peregian Beach so if anyone would like a reading at home
please book in the week before if at all possible
I would
like to thank everyone for their continued support in my
Safe and Blessings till next time, Sheryl
Full Archive of Sheryl's Monthly Newsletters |